Tuesday, 28 June 2011

A Last Love Letter.

The following is an article written by aniket ,it is a last letter written by a bf to his gf, also the characters used in the article are imaginative and do not intend to hurt or abuse any one's privacy:

Dear shoona,

Its been 12 months 14 days and we haven't spoken ,u must be happy reading this that finally i learned to count things ,by the time you get this letter i'll be far from you ,i know immediately what you want to ask "where and why" but there is no answer to this .My heart is still filled with love for you but my lungs are filled with carbon molecules which are multiplying and venting life out of me ,yes dear i am suffering from lung cancer ,and its in the final stage the doctor chic says the probability of survival is low.

you always said that i forget things but trust me i never,i just missed the chance of reviving them on time . I know we can go on a battle where you could quote examples where i forgot things ,but you never forget dear ,u remembered my birthday ,my entire families birthday ,u remember the party that we had in the bus ,where all of sudden u remember that it was the same day when we met ,it was 22 September where an angel smiled and you came in my life, i still remember , u wearing the typical hot punjabi dress and giving me those looks .The minute i looked at you i knew it was you . You remember that picnic where we first started talking ?? I still remember your face reading the signs in marathi (been a non-maharastrain) and how puzzled you were ,then we started to talk and talk .

You always wanted me to quit smoking but i could not ,even threatened to leave me ,but still i didn't listen ,let these things be apart .Do you remember the rainy night at our college campus where i was playing basketball and broke my leg ,how caring you were ,i still dint get why you were crying and crying. I still remember talking to you the whole night on sms because your hitler was around. Trust me i still remember how caring you were .i wish everyday my leg broke and i could get those messages again . We were friends till then ,and then our friendship grew from call to chat and then meeting ,u remember that shivaji park ka katta where we used to meet ,then the seashore where with every setting sun i could see the rising love for me .We both knew that we loved each other but never expressed it .It was the eve of 21st January when u met with an accident that you realized how much i loved you ,when you were down with coma. i was holding your hand till doctors threw me out ,when u lost your beats for that 5 minutes i thought the world had stop ,trust me i lost my life ,and then u were back..what a relief ,i remember the whole night i was sitting outside the ICU, and the next morning you opened your eyes ,i just felt like i touched heaven .

Our first romantic date which turnout to be disater ,i had planned so many things for you ,and we had a power failure ,but you were not upset ,you were just smiling accepted things as they come. I had arranged for a spot light for you ,but thanks to power failure ,i got glimse of you in candle light , you were looking awesome ,i had planned for chinese authetic food but thanks to rains the delivery guy din come and we had the road side pani puri ,more than eating the pani puri i busy watching each puri that was busting in your mouth how cute that was. It was a complete popat for me ,but u dint let it happen ,thanks for that. After that we had your favorite falooda. Our worlds united ,for me every moment was like a life time ,belonging to separated family i never got so much of love.

I felt so lucky and excited. I never liked to attend lectures but did them just because of you and parvati mam ,i still dint get why u always fought with me whenever parvati mam asked me a questions , i agree i was flat on her ,but still yaar ..... she was my crush i agree on same but you were my love ,i use to be always happy that i manage to get those 35 marks in all subject and you always cried inspite of getting a distinction .You remember you sliting your vein when i just took a snap with ravina ? You were so stupid i was for you only .i still remember it was your hand that was slit and the tears were from my eyes .That was the day i realised how much u loved me ,i think i was unlucky that i let you go from my life .

You warned me several times but i busy in my life filled with hallucinations,and when these hallucination break they teared me apart ,the day when u left, for me for me timed paused ,i still have all your memories intact in my heart ,thanks for everything that you did for me ,i know by this time you must be married i dont want to disturb your life but just wanna say bye ,but my bye come down to about 458 words ,insha allah and god bless you .
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Sunday, 19 June 2011

Facebook - Curse or Boon.

Ghhhaaawwddd... Such an addiction..."FACEBOOK" where you can just read anyone's life personally or professionally.. Is it a boon? Is it a curse? Such a waste of time?

What started as a networking platform for students of Harvard University turned into a monstrous-sized global community comprising people of all age, nationalities and social backgrounds. Statistics show that, while students are still predominant users, other age groups have started to increase their participation, especially since Facebook lowered its age limit to 13.

Well the curse and boon depends on the way you use it. According to my observation each and everyone today wants to be on face book as if it is an identity and it is more important than your pan card. Lets start with the different types of people take facebook as:

Teenage: whatever and wherever.. i want to upload everything on fb cos i want to show the world what i'm doing. A place to show off.

Mid 20's: It is just a fashion statement to be on facebook. just to be in touch with all the circle of friends i have all over world.

Mid 30's and 40's : the friends whom only i know. Please do not Tag me in any of your photos. My privacy is disturbed with it.

50's and ahead: The facebook is dead.

For companies, its definitely a boon as 50-60% of the advertising is done here. All kinds people you meet knowingly or unknowingly here. Some become your best friends, some your enemies. Some are professional strong and some who just wants to peep into others life.

It happens alot of time with me that sitting constatntly on facebook, browsing up and down on the page, but not closing the window, just because of no reason. And then finally when you want some attention, you either post your status, or your photos or link or anythings which may attract the attention. It is my hypothesis that facebook is actually a curse that we perceive as wonderful marvel of modern technology. If it gives us a false sense of importance and popularity by letting us post the most mundane events of our lives and then seeing what kind of feedback we get on them. If people "like" our status or make a comment then it boosts our self esteem because some one cares that we are bored, or the temperature is 60 degrees.

What do you get from this? Is the world becoming closer or is it taking all of us far from each other with a mere networking site. Facebook gives us the illusion that we matter, that we are connected to others while in reality it disconnects us from one another.

Its a curse for users and addicts
Boon for mark zuckerberg and facebook staffs.
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Moving on in Life.

Moving on in life is not only when you have a heart break in a relationships, Its also when you loose something really precious in life.
There is always that one thing which you love to do, i love to talk, but today we are so busy in our lives that there is hardly moments spared to talk to each other. i was just thinking of this that how someone can become such a priority in your life. Passing by moments make it happen.

There was a times when i was the one to tell my broken hearten friends " Its not that difficult to move on" but its said so truly that until and unless you don't go through it you will never understand.

Thinking of giving up on a person, just because he/she never worth you is not the last option. Worth is what you create when you are in his/her life. One of my friend said a line so easily but had a meaning in it " Today's generation couples get into a relationship with a lot of confusion, and separate when they have completely understood each other."

Relationships are not about giving up, when you come to know that the other person cannot change. You will catch all the worst part about your partner like coming late, or not dressing up properly, or not understanding the situation etc and etc.
But have you ever tried looking at the best parts behind these worst habits??

What is it exactly best about coming late?? Its the effort taken to reach on time everyday and every time, fighting with the time and environment just to meet you up because you are special.
Not dressed up properly?? Dude, Have you seen that beauty or simplicity behind that shabby looks??
Not understanding the situations?? Is it always that he/she doesn't understand it.
But after all this also when the crucial moment comes to stand by each other, either one of us falls weak, thinking only about the worst side of the other person. Might be because the person who is falling weak wants to get rid of you.
Its only your honesty which can play a big part in these situation on both the sides for both the parties.

Just a thought:
I don't want to walk this path with you,
Neither want to walk it all alone,
I know you are not there and will never be,
And so want you to disappear as if you never exist.
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