"Dude..I dont have time to shit also.." Is that the line you use?
Well then this one is for you :
“Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”
2 days have passed. back to the normal life which is just me, my family and my office.What do you expect being committed and your love is absent when you want to sit back and have a cup of coffee near that sea shore wala CCD when you are tired to the core?
At some point, m going to be with him. That small part what m talking about is the most precious and we forget to give that not only to our love but also to our parents, friends and also sometimes to yourself. That is the gift of "time"
It feels good when someone just takes out that 2 minutes to know about "how are you feeling?" "is the day good?" "All well?". It sounds small, but they do make allot more importance.
One of my friend said well about time for lovers "The greatest gift you can give to a special someone is your TIME. Its like you're giving the portion of your life that you can never bring back. Don't ever say to the one who is important in your life, that if you do not have time try and make it whenever an whereever possible....coz sometimes all u need to do is plan the day and u'll find time!!"
To end up, guys take out that time to know about your love and tell them how much special they are; how much ever times you must told them . Because its worth to have someone besides who values not only you but the time you give. Today the best thing you can gift your love is the gift of time, whether you plan it or not. It doesn't take much time to slip out that one second but to make that one special relation you need years.
So preserve that beautiful relation with the gift of time.