Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Gone days.

A gone day always comes up and makes you feel good and sometimes bad. Various mood swings we go through, there are also those unknown feelings which comes up unknowingly.

Past is something which always follows you wherever you go, even after you are happy in the present moment. Instances, a single thought or just a name or just an incidence makes you remind of the past.

After getting into senses and started to make friends, my friends made me laugh and enjoy moment. At the same time made me cry and taught me a lot of things. I have mixed feelings for them. Once upon a time I had that confidence that whatever I do or say she/he will stand by me. I will be his/her first priority in front of all his friends. But today when I look back at the moment I feel what was that? A feeling? A confidence? A trust? What was that?

One day after a long time I saw him, going to meet his friends and I was freezed completely just to see him from a distance. It just clicked; would he have considered me a priority amongst his friends? Don’t know the answer but I believe that I gave him a new life being a true friend.

Albert Einstein quoted "The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

It was a story that you went through. A story of a movie named by you or says an illusion. Did you think that you will land up where you are right now? For someone you were an angel, for some a best friend, sometimes an awesome colleague, sometimes a devil. But today all that is just an illusion and nothing else. We lose people as we lose time, not because of his/her fault but just because you couldn’t just make the situation right. Just because you thought that I just can’t take it more or just for no reason.

There are times when I think, can I make it right today? But just back step after a second thought that it’s too late.

Is it too late? What do you think about it?


Aniket said...

a awesome article i think every youngster moving out of college faces this situation , a good article ,your emotions flows through your articles , read PS i love you u would get inspired .................

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