Monday, 12 September 2011

An empty mind is a devils place.

Idleness means you have no particular goal in mind and thus you can be easily distracted. It happens with most of us that we suddenly start behaving so weird with a particular person or regarding a particular situation that we forget we were never like this.

We all have strange ideas and our brain is churning 24*7 non stop. Empty minds can generate thoughts on a particular incident occurred or intended to be occuring in the near future. Recently i was recalling few incidents and i came to realize that half of the decision we take in our lives is when our minds are empty.

Does it ever happened to you, that when you don't have anything to do, you start thinking about something so intensely that you are obsessed about it in no time and gradually starts dreaming about it. We conjure up all sorts of thoughts that can scare us or make us crazy. It sometimes irritates you and sometimes dreamy.

You end up hurting un-intentionally to alot many people thinking that its just a dream or a movie where everyhting at the end is going to be fine . But in todays movies sometimes there are no happy endings.

Similarly, in real life, if you fail to come out of this break of empty mind soon, then you are sure to miss alot of things and then later regret what you have missed in life. Take a break but not too long, work hard but make sure its smart, go on holiday to refresh and not to be alone in the corner of the world.

Life is beautiful. If you dont have friends no problemo, you have books to read, music to enjoy, places to explore, legs to walk and get tired at the end of the day to sleep peacefully. All you have to do is think creative ways to come out of it.

You are special. I'm special and nobody, even the empty mind of the other person have the right to hurt me.

I don't know, it made sense or not. But it surely did to me so sharing it.


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